Glenys Walker

Are you SAD in the winter? Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression, “winter blues” that often affect younger people and are thought to be related to chemical changes in the body in response to fewer daylight hours and lower levels of sunlight. The good news is that you can do something about feeling…

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THE SIMPLE CONCEPT If we spend long periods doing work that requires us to be in static positions, the physical toll it will take on us is going to depend on the quality of the workplace setup. Our bodies can either do the job safely and efficiently, or they can try to go against their…


Last week, Paper Plus Office National Geraldton hosted two standing desk information sessions with Phil from Sylex Ergonomics and Glenys from Allied Corporate Health. The Midwest workers and managers who came already knew there was a real change happening in the workplace. What we learnt was that sit-to-stand desks are a good way to get more…

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